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Vision & Objectives

What is Supply Chain Management & why is it important?

Supply Chain Management is the management of the flow of goods & services and includes all the processes that converts raw materials into final products for reaching to the end consumer.

Examples of supply chain activities include farming, refining, design, manufacturing, demand planning, sales & operations planning, packaging, transportation and customer service.

In this day and age, efficient SCM is important because it increases competitiveness, responsiveness, and thereby customer satisfaction by reaching goods and services with quality and affordability.

Vision Statement

Developing trained and competent supply-chain professionals as value-based leaders to take the lead in sustainable supply chain solutions and development that minimizes the environmental footprint and benefit future generations.

Mission Statement

To articulate the genuine needs and concerns of supply chain professionals in the country, encourage and promote interactions among members, stimulate and enable innovative practices, create skilled manpower and opportunities to generate employment, facilitate and sponsor events and take up policy issues and legislation needed for the sector, ensuring harmonious growth of all stakeholders, focusing on the best industry solutions and influencing sound practices and all-round industry engagement by creating a deep knowledge base and proactive sectoral solutions.

With a commitment to innovation, ethical practices, and environmental responsibility, we hope to become our members’ go-to partner for success in a constantly changing global marketplace.

  • The Association of Supply Chain Professionals (ASCP) will promote supply chain & logistics professionals and help them to build up desired levels of expertise and skills, besides taking up and leading policy initiatives and provide a platform for the systematic and sound growth of the profession in India.
  • The Association will provide opportunities for professionals to communicate, develop and improve supply-chain managerial skills and create awareness about innovations and appropriate supply-chain systems for efficient business growth.
  • The Association proposes to do this through active stake-holder engagement at the national, regional and state levels as well as through employers and educators across the spectrum.
  • The Association will focus on sustainability objectives, aiming and advising to reduce member organisations’ carbon footprint, minimize waste, and support eco-friendly practices.
  • The Association will strive to work towards connecting professionals, educating aspirants, skills development, creating jobs and thus contribute to nation-building.